Project dissemination day at the 4th partner meeting
On 12th June, in the framework of the 4th partner meeting, the La MANCHE consortium members participated in a project dissemination conference jointly hosted by the La MANCHE project and the Yerevan State University. The international conference was organized on the occassion of the 95th YSU anniversary. It was dedicated to the problems and challenges in higher education in 21st century and was attended by a large number of Armenian and international academics, policy makers and experts in higher education governance.
During the plenary session the La MANCHE Project Coordinator presented the project to the wide audience. She spoke about the challenges addressed by the project and its main goals. The event provided an excellent opportunity to disseminate information on upcoming project activities requiring strong engagement from stakeholders and interest groups outside La MANCHE. In particular, the Project Coordinator spoke about the six transnational themed working groups to be established in the project over the next months. The various stakeholders would engage in the process of drafting and designing jointly the Strategy for Leading and Managing Change in Higher Education (La MANCHE Strategy). The La MANCHE Strategy will be co-created through networking and exchange of ideas and experiences online in the framework of the La MANCHE VTT. The Project Coordinator invited all present stakeholders to register at the platform and to get involved with La MANCHE.
During the workshops following the plenary session a large number of La MAMCHE consortium members presented project results achieved at institutional level and disseminated information on different aspects of the work in La MANCHE. Presentations of the La MANCHE partners at the dissemination conference could be downloaded below.