Changing Higher Education Institutions in Societies in Transition

The Changing Higher Education Institutions in Societies in Transition In-depth Study Report is a major outcome of the activities in Work Package 3. It aims at fulfilling the project second specific objective, namely to map out the broader environmental and socio-economic conditions in which the higher education modernisation processes in the Partner Countries evolve, and to analyze local trends and locally developed good practices of dealing with change at institutional level.

It goes without saying, that a precise description and understanding of the processes of change and transformations which are currently ongoing in the five Partner Countries of Eastern Europe is a major precondition for effective change management and leadership at institutional level. In other words, it would be impossible for the institutions’ senior management to inspire and introduce changes within the universities if the academic communities are not aware of the bigger picture and are not familiar with the processes of change outside the institution.

In the framework of Work Package 3 the 23 La MANCHE Partner Countries institutions have developed case studies in which they have presented and analyzed different processes of change and modernization ongoing in their higher education systems or in the societies as a whole. Subsequently, in the case studies the partner institutions have described different ways in which major local or global trends and demands in higher education are addressed and have been embedded at institutional level. The Partner Countries institutions’ case studies comprise the main part of report and are preceded by an introductory analysis prepared by EU experts in the project.

The chief end of this report is not only to reveal the ongoing changes at societal and institutional levels by taking a snapshot of these. Through the means of self-reflection this report aims at making the Partner Countries institutions involved conscious of their achievements and accomplishments. Subsequently, the report also could show directions in which the institutions shall progress on their learning journey towards innovation and sustainable change.