
La MANCHE National Conference in Moldova

On 12th May 2015 La MANCHE National Conference in Moldova took place in Chisinau. The event was hosted by State Agrarian University of Moldova and attended by 105 participants. Among them were representatives of the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Tourism and the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education in the Republic of Moldova. Along with policy ma

La MANCHE 4th Information Bulletin in published

  Read all about La MANCHE recent developments and upcoming activities in the newly published 4th Information Bulletin.   La MANCHE team wishes all project website visitors a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

La MANCHE project meeting in Armenia

In the period of 15th — 17th December 2014 the La MANCHE partner institutions from Armenia held a joint meeting with the IUC, the project lead organisation’s team. The meeting aimed at general coordination, planning and quality control as well as to streamlining the activities in Work Package 7 dedicated to the La MANCHE VTT. In particular, the project partners discussed the challeng

La MANCHE @ Platform 4 of Eastern Partnership

On 3rd December 2014 the La MANCHE project was presented at the Platform 4 “Contacts between people” session which was dedicated to higher education. The Platform 4 is part of the Eastern Partnership initiative launched in 2009 and responds to the desire of the EU's Eastern neighbors (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus) to move closer to the European Union

Results and feedback from Young Leaders Academy

In the period of 7th – 13th September 2014 IUC, Bulgaria hosted the first and largest project event with students’ participation and involvement. The Young Leaders Academy aimed at empowering students at the La MANCHE universities to become more active and committed to the processes of change and decision making at their institutions. The five-day trainings in grassroots leadership a

La MANCHE Young Leaders Academy to start in less than four weeks

The agenda of La MANCHE Young Leaders Academy to take place at the premises of IUC, Bulgaria in the period of 7th  - 13th September has been published. Students from the ten La MANCHE countries and 28 higher education institutions in the project will gather in Dobrich, Bulgaria to improve their leadership skills and learn more on how to engage more efficiently in their institutions' lif

La MANCHE 3rd Information Bulletin is published

Read all about La MANCHE recent developments and upcoming activities in the newly published 3rd Information Bulletin! La MANCHE team wishes all project website visitors a nice and active summer!

Official launch of the La MANCHE Virtual Think Tank (La MANCHE VTT)

At the La MANCHE VTT Panel organized in Yerevan in June 2014, the 29 La MANCHE partner institutions officially launched the activities at La MANCHE VTT. The virtual think tank is a member-driven online community unifying the expertise, experience and efforts of a large number of key stakeholders in higher education in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the EU. The online platform is

Project dissemination day at the 4th partner meeting

On 12th June, in the framework of the 4th partner meeting, the La MANCHE consortium members participated in a project dissemination conference jointly hosted by the La MANCHE project and the Yerevan State University. The international conference was organized on the occassion of the 95th YSU anniversary. It was dedicated to the problems and challenges in higher education in 21st century and was

Project management and administration day at the 4th partner meeting

In the period of 10th - 12th June 2014 the La MANCHE project consortium gathered in Yerevan. The meeting was hosted by the Yerevan State University. During the first day the consortium members participated in sessions and workshops dedicated to project management and administration. The Project Coordinator outlined the major project results achieved following the previous partner meeting in Oc


Last week La MANCHE project lead organization IUC hosted a meeting with Dr Daniel Pavlov, Project Coordinator of the Tempus IV project Towards the ModernisATion of Higher Education InstitutionS in Uzbekstan (MATcHES). The latter was approved for funding in the framework of the 6th Call for Proposals in the Tempus IV Programme and focuses on higher education modernisation processes in Uzbekistan.

La MANCHE consortium members collaborate in the MANAGE.EDU project

Representatives of Moldova State University, Caucasus University and International University College, members of both La MANCHE and MANAGE.EDU projects consortia, met in Chisinau in end of March. They participated in an international seminar on creating a Black Sea network for effective management for efficient education management and lifelong learning. The event was hosted by Moldova State Un

Partner Countries institutions to launch local multiplication trainings

The 23 Partner Countries institutions in the project are starting implementing activities in Work Package 5 at institutional level. These include organizing and facilitating tthree-day trainings in leadership and change management envisaged for senior and middle management of the universities in the project. In addition, each of the institutions will organize and hold a public lecture for the