External Assessment Report in Work Package 2 is available for reading and distribution
The External Assessment Report Leadership and Management Skills and Models in the Higher Education Institutions in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine has been published and is available for reading and distribution within the Project Results section on the project website. The Report is a major outcome of Work Package 2 in the project. During the first stage of the project the 29 partners involved in the project conducted a series of activities to map out the current leadership skills and prevalent management models at the higher education institutions in the five participating Partner Countries. This was achieved through online focus groups and auditing and self-assessment reports completed by the Partner Countries higher education institutions in order to assess the current situation and to identify existing shortcomings and training needs.
The findings in the 23 auditing and self-assessment reports and the conclusions drawn at the online focus groups have been summarised by the representatives of the six project partners from the European Union in the framework of the current External Assessment Report. The analysis of research findings in the auditing and self-assessment reports of the universities from the Partner Countries has been conducted and elaborated by the EU partners in the project as follows:
Armenia: Agrosup Dijon, France
Belarus: International University College, Bulgaria
Georgia: International University College, Bulgaria and Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal
Moldova: University of Thessaly, Greece
Ukraine: University College Birmingham, UK and Clevercherry, UK.
The chief goal of the External Assessment Report is to serve as a starting point for the activities in Work Packages 4, namely the elaboration of guidelines and training materials relevant to the identified needs for leadership training and capacity building. In addition, the lessons learned from the report will be taken into consideration and integrated in the trainings in leadership and change management organised in Work Package 5.