La MANCHE Activities and Outcomes

In pursuit of the project’s overall and specific objectives, 9 Work Packages (WPs) will be implemented during the project lifetime. There are 3 Development WPs and 3 Exploitation WPs, each designed in view of achieving one of the specific objectives of the project. The remaining 3 WPs consist of supporting activities which ensure sound project management, effective dissemination and continuous quality control. The La MANCHE WPs build upon each other, and together they achieve the overall goal of the project.

Project duration: 15th October 2012 - 14th October 2015

WP1: Project Management

1. Elaboration and adoption of documents related to project management and monitoring;

2. Continuous management, administration and monitoring of the project activities

3. Organization and facilitation of partner meetings

4. Organization of online conferences of the Steering Committee

5. Regular review and periodical update of the project website

6. Elaboration of annual and financial summaries and mid-term and final reports

WP2: Analysis Of Leadership And Management Skills And Models

1. Review, assessment and systematization of the existing learning resources in leadership and management at the Partner Countries’ Higher Education Institutions

2. 5 online focus groups

3. Auditing and self-assessment reports by the Partner Countries’ higher education institutions completed at institutional level

4. Elaboration of External Assessment Report on Leadership and Management Skills and Models at the Higher Education Institutions in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine

5. Workshop on Leadership in Higher Education

WP3: Changing Higher Education Institutions in Societies in Transition: In-Depth Study Report on Modernization Processes in Higher Education in the Partner Countries and their Implications for the Higher Education Institutions

1. Development of 23 case studies by the 23 Partner Countries' institutions

2. Elaboration of Changing Higher Education Institutions in Societies in Transition In-depth Study Report

WP4: Innovative Governance Practices in Higher Education

1. Elaboration of syllabuses in leadership and change management

2. Development of guidance materials in leadership and change management

3. Identification and description of 15 innovative governance practices applied in EU higher education institutions

WP5: Trainings in Leadership and Change Management

1.Trainings for trainers in leadership and change management at IPB, Portugal

2. Local multiplication trainings in change management at the 23 Partner Countries’ higher education institutions

3. Public lectures in grassroots leadership for students, teachers and academics at the 23 Partner Countries’ Hhigher education institutions

WP6: La MANCHE Virtual Think Tank

1. Setting up the La MANCHE Virtual Think Tank space on the project website

2. Provision of continuous support to higher education institutions outside the La MANCHE consortium through the La MANCHE Virtual Think Tank consultation section in the fields of educational leadership and change management

WP7: Development of Strategy for Leading and Managing Change in Higher Education in the Eastern Neighboring Area (La MANCHE Strategy)

1. Formation of transnational themed working groups with higher education institutions outside La MANCHE consortium, business leaders, civil society representatives, policy makers, student organizations

2. Formation of a transnational themed working group on gender equality in higher education

3. Organization of Young Leaders Academy including a 5-day training in grassroots leadership and student engagement in higher education

4. 5 National conferences in leadership and change management in higher education in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine

5. Organization of workshop Women in Leadership

6. Elaboration and dissemination of a Strategy for Leading and Managing Change in Higher Education in the Eastern Neighboring Area (La MANCHE Strategy)

WP8: Quality Assurance

1. Continuous achievement of monitoring and evaluation of project outputs and implementation

2. Elaboration of interim evaluation reports, a final internal evaluation report and a final external evaluation report

WP9: Dissemination

1. Development of Communication and Post-Project Dissemination Strategy of the project

2. Online presentation of the project through the La MANCHE website

3. Distribution of flyers, printed project leaflets and regular electronic information bulletins among stakeholders within the La MANCHE countries

4. Publications in printed and electronic media

5. Press conferences following major project events

6. Final dissemination event La MANCHE Strategy: Presentation and Dissemination