Students Transnational Themed Working Group

In total 209 students from the La MANCHE countries are registered in this WG, the majority of them being students of the project universities. This WG was set up in the framework of the Young Leaders Academy which took part in September 2014 in Bulgaria. The student representatives of the La MANCHE universities went on extending this WG right after they returned to their institutions. In autumn 2014 following the Young Leaders Academy end, many of the La MANCHE universities organized a number of student events to promote the project, the La MANCHE VTT and most importantly the theme of student engagement.

Empowerment of students to become more actively involved in the decision making processes at the universities is among the main objectives of the project and in the course of project implementation, a more comprehensive and broad understanding of the student engagement concept was developed. Members of the Students WG have participated in numerous project promotional events and networking opportunities for students. In addition, the issue of student engagement was also discussed via the La MANCHE VTT. List of members of the Students WG could be found here.